Alissa Levine

Profile Information:

Membership Category
Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
Pastry Girl Cakes is a custom cake shop specializing in wedding and special ocassion cakes and cupcakes. Each cake is baked from scratch and made from the freshest and most delicious ingredients. The cakes are designed specifically for each client, creating an unforgettable centerpiece for their special day.
Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?
Wedding Vendors - Tell Us the Service That You Offer Brides
City (Do not abbreviate.)
New York
New York
United States

Comment Wall:

  • Shiny Orb

    Hi Alissa,

    As I was browsing your blog, I was thinking, hey, I've seen that cake before... and it turns out that it was from the money-saving blog article I saw on OneWed! I especially love your cakes with all that candy on it. They look really fun. :)

    I'm a co-founder of Shiny Orb, a comparison shopping website for bridesmaid dresses, but I also run our blog. The purpose of our blog is to provide some inspiration or advice to brides on various aspects of their wedding, and we're seeking experts (wedding vendors!) to be guest bloggers. We have yet to have any bakers chime in with good advice, and I was wondering if you might be interested?

    You can see some example posts here: photographer and hair stylist.

    Please let me know if you're interested!

  • Shiny Orb

    Hi Alissa,

    I'm so excited you've agreed to write a post! The timing sounds good, too. I'm thinking of lining up your post in a week or two. We try to put out posts by vendors on Mondays.

    As for topics, if there's something you're interested in writing about, feel free to suggest. Right now, one possibility that I'm curious about is just what kind of icing/decoration is there? I've heard buttercream, fondant, is there more? What's the difference and what do you see as trending in/out in your business? We want to make our posts inspirational and informational for brides, but we also want to give you a chance to showcase your work. You may have seen already that we're fans of the slideshow. What does a buttercream/fondant/other cake look like? Maybe a great blog post could just be on buttercream vs fondant? We can discuss more by direct message.

    Thanks again!
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    Chocolate Birthday Cake