Shiny Orb

Profile Information:

Membership Category
Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
We are an online bridesmaid dress comparison shopping store with dresses from a variety of designers. We feature a unique co-shopping tool that allows many users to shop together in real-time. With the tool, you can browse dresses while sharing your thoughts about them through chat without any sign-ups or downloads.

Try this out at Shiny Orb.
Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?
Wedding Vendors - Tell Us the Service That You Offer Brides
City (Do not abbreviate.)
United States

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  • Baker Babes Bakery

    Hi Jennifer, thanks for checking out our website. I would need more info about the expectations and time commitment involved since I am also responsible for our blog. Feel free to visit it at
  • Alissa Levine

    Hi Jennifer,

    Thank you for your kind words.

    I would definitely be interested in writing for your blog, but I would need about a week before I could send you anything because the end of the week is a busy time.

    Are there any topics in particular you wanted me to write about?


  • Dance Because

    I would love to be apart of your blog!

    When are you thinking you would like to have the post by? And do you have a particular aspect in general that you would like me to cover... or just my thoughts on wedding dances in generally?

    Looking forward to contributing! Thanks for the invite!