Hi Everyone,

I am looking to redo my website. Any one know of a good, creative and affordable designer?

Thank you for your help :)

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Hi Carol,
We have a brand new website that we had designed locally. Have a look! I think you'll agree the guy did an awesome job.
Our web address is www.blisshoneymoons.com
You can reach Josh as www.clayproductions.com
What is your website? I do web design on the side. I did my own site (www.veilsandfairytales.com) and I also designed a website for one of my make up vendors (www.makeupbyterricarter.com). I am very affordable!! I also have a couple of others if you'd like to view them, just let me know and I'll give you the URLs. If you're interested, email me: info@veilsandfairytales.com.


Hi, well, this is quite a network. I thought it would be a great collaboration of efforts between your business and mine: Floral Compliments: (floralcompliments.net). I make flowers out of ribbon, using a technique that dates back hundreds of years ago and the results were used by Queen Victoria and even the Carnegie's. (Hence, why it is considered very "Victorian" looking. I could supply, if you needed, additional embellishments such as flowers and/or leaves. Just a thought. I promise to keep you in mind, too.

2nd thought: My husband's business is WEB DESIGN. MOHAWK VALLEY SIGN AND DESIGN. (Sam is my husband and Robert is his partner). They are very good and reasonable. So that you could see an example of their work, check out a site that they just finished: francescasbanquets.com. They will be re-doing my site in the near future and actually using IT to showcase their work. MY site, currently, is ~23 pages deep. Which is somewhat too large because it has to hold as many variations as I can show to potential customers. The solution will be to have "roll-overs," scrolling slide shows and even music. Most importantly, a revision that I am excited about getting is, of course, the analytics. (Which is a customer tracking device that can be either seen by your customers or just by you). It also can track what pages were viewed and for how long as well as who and where the "hits" are from. Their customers are very excited about this, like it's their favorite new toy, because it's so useful and they SEE what's happening, IN REAL TIME!! Also, they have what's called an "emailer." You can send out emails, coupons, notifications, etc to several customers at one time without being considered SPAM. The customer requests to have this information sent to them first and the process continues from there. THAT SERVICE gets a tracking device, too. They are also going to publish my mom's children's books (a series of 12) on an ebook format. That is in the works now but mom is also busy with a house closing as well as getting the books formatted and paginated and so on. So,... I hope this helps you.

Oh, on Francesca's site...go to her (meal) menu pages and actually FLIP the pages. It makes a sound as you flip them.
Michele Eddins
Floral Compliments
Thank you for all the great info! I really appreciate it!!
Hi Carol. Are you still looking for someone? Check out my site and let me know and I'll put you in touch with Matthew...



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