Some wedding traditions you may not want to mess with but I am always looking for a unique twist to put on the garter / bouquet removal and toss. Some of the Ideas we come up with may be something you wish to include in your event or special day. Many couples feel that the standard garter /bouquet removal toss is a tired tradition and that they need a fresh twist on an old classic. More and more couples are beginning to look for unique ways to the garter toss and even the bridal dances. Please let me know what you do or have seen to break the traditional type event… M. Susca directsound

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Donna Aguis, Wedding Specialist - Tampa, Florida.
I have to agree that I feel the same way... The traditional garter/bouquet toss is one of those traditions that a lot of my couples have moved away from. To tell you the truth, I would rather them not do the garter if the groom insist on pulling it off of the Brides leg with his teeth. I know that may sound old fashioned but being a wedding coordinator every single time that happens all I can think is.... "Her Father is watching....." I don't care how old your daughter is it's still hard to watch what should be a nice tradition turn into something for Jim's Bar & Grill. I've also noticed that several couples don't really know what to do since most of their guests are already either married or living with somebody. One of my favorite things is called "Last one standing" You start out with everybody on the floor and the DJ announces any couple married less than 8 hours clear the floor which of course would be your current Bride & Groom. It then continues until you have the couple dancing that has been married the longest. The Bride & Groom then go over and hand the bouquet to that couple (which usually ends up being one of their grandparents which is an extra nice touch). Thanks... Donna Aguis, Wedding Specialist - Tampa, Florida.
Donna, Wow! Being a DJ for the past 32 years I never quite thought of the dad’s point of view and now that my daughter is 16 that’s getting a bit closer to home. I will have to rethink my push when it come to that. Maybe I can bring dad on the floor and then push it like “ Ok you better take that garter off of her leg as respectful as you can because you see dad there holding that BAT (let’s make it plastic ) although she is your new wife she’s still daddy’s little girl… You will know right where you go wrong when he baps you in the head so be careful LOL. As for the “Last One Standing Game “I call it in my shows the “Anniversary Dance” same concept except I leave the bride and groom on the floor and have them dance all the way through and at the end …the couple that were married like 50 years now gives some great wedding advice to the B&G on how they have been married so long. Donna thanks for the input! Like I said I love to find new fun ways to do all to the same old wedding games and dances. Mike Susca
Aside from just nixing it altogether, I haven't seen that much done to freshen up the garter toss tradition.

One of my favorite bouquet toss alternatives is having a breakaway bouquet, where the bouquet looks like a single grouping of flowers but is actually two or more that come apart easily. One of my brides had three bouquets (one large one, and two smaller ones) in one. She stopped and gave one of the smaller bouquets to her mother as her father walked her to the altar, and she stopped and gave the other to her new mother in law as her new husband walked her out of the church. It was lovely, and both moms were all teary. (Okay, most of the women at the ceremony were all teary, me included!)

I also love the "last one standing" alternative to the bouquet toss. The whole day is supposed to be about this huge commitment the bride and groom are making; I think it's entirely appropriate to honor the couples there who've enjoyed all those years of marriage themselves.
I think the breakaway bouquet is sweet, how about a Bouquet Bomb idea - The Bride holds a breakaway bouquet for the toss and make it look like one so when she does her toss it breaks apart into smaller ones giving more then one girl the Bouquet and a chance to get married sooner then the rest LOL..Just a thought.
M. Susca
MC Hammer "Can't Touch This"
Frank Sinatra "I've Got You Under My Skn"
Elvis Presley "Fever"
Just the first things that popped into my head
Great I will add then to my list thank you '


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