How are you using Twitter to promote your business?

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thanks for the very concise basics.Obviously you are a professional.I've been designing invitations for a really long time and know how to reach the clients that don't walk through my door but this is different.Thanks again.Your stuff seems right on the money
if you have other ideas,yes,please send them over so we can take a look.They are quite a help.particularly from a newbie
Hi Jena:

Thanks for the advice! I just downloaded tweetdeck and it's great. I was wondering if you use your twitter account and tweetdeck simultaneously or do you only use tweetdeck?
trish why not add some of the invitations you are working on.That seems to be a good idea,indicated from another person.
Think Splendid, a bridal communications firm, has a great post on using Twitter for wedding professionals:

twitter only for 140 characters, how come? with a link?


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