Did you book one or more weddings as a result of your Facebook marketing activities? Have you created relationships with brides on Facebook?
I'm creating a marketing course that will teach wedding professionals exactly how to reach over 3 million engaged people on Facebook and have a flow of bridal leads delivered to you each month. Within the course, I'd love to feature a few success stories from the wedding pros in BridalTweet's community. If I choose your success story, you will get free exposure for your business.
For a chance to have your business featured, please share your story in this discussion and include the following information:
If I choose to feature your story in my upcoming marketing course, I will contact you beforehand to get your official permission.
Here's to your success!
Christine Dyer, Social Media Expert and Founder of BridalTweet
I try and post tips of the day on a daily basis that pertain to the problems or stress my current brides are having while planning their wedding so future brides can see how much of a help a Wedding Planner or Day-of Coordination really can be. I have found that when I am sharing another vendors work on my fan page, brides contact me to get that vendors information which leads to me pitching the importance of not only hiring professional vendors, but a wedding planner. I do see that when my brides like my fan page, they share it with their friends, who share it with their friends. The key is to post what brides are passionate about and right now its DIY, while most vendors cringe at the word or thought of a DIY bride, I truly try to embrace the brides passion for trying to have a creative and unique wedding which posting this information leads them to contacting me, which in turn I am able to educate and help them understand they can still DIY, but with professional vendors help. I try and post the current trends and unique wedding ideas to keep the brides engaged in my page. It also is a plus the brides can see you for who you are, not just a website. They can interact with you on a daily basis and brides love that.
My facebook page was created a year ago, having done weddings within hotels and catering companies, I decided to break out on my own a year ago, to the Chicago area. My goa for facebookl was to spread word, get a few brides. The information you requested is below:
1. Facebook page's address is: http://www.facebook.com/perfectdayweddingplanners
2. I utilized a contest through the iframes app and aweber. It worked wonderfully in getting likes. I also utilized facebook to spread the word of a VENDOR-wide educational seminar we are doing in the Chicago area on 2 dates and was able to share our EVENT registration (http://www.weddingplanningbootcampniu.eventbrite.com) through this.
3. I did get 2 brides off of this and more subscribers to the page. In addition, my daughter got a wedding booked for her photography as well. As for our 2 bootcamps we have (April 12 and April 26, at 2 different venues, we have received registrations for our event through the facebook page. This has been a great way to spread our blog as well, which is just a recent addition, to post our daily articles. A great way to network with other vendors as well with a presence.
Very best!
Wendy Spencer
Perfect Day Wedding Planners
We do weekly blogs, Give-A-Ways, tons of Facebook networking, encourage sharing, behind the scenes videos, fashion tips, etc! I try to keep as much of a presence on our Facebook as I possibly can and I try my best to support other small businesses on there, and usually they return the favor! Most ALL of our clients come from Facebook and word of mouth (which is often spread over FB). We are still a very new company, but we are growing!
I can't directly attribute any wedding jobs to Facebook, but I try very hard to move people from FB to etsy or to my blogs, and I have received jobs from the blogs and etsy. I also post my work to pinterest and try to link that back to my blogs or Facebook page. I think it's a constant collaboration among those resources to keep my name and samples of my calligraphy out there. I've recently revamped my Facebook page and hope for direct results from that. I update my blogs regularly.
I still find that most of my business comes from referrals. Happy brides = referrals.
website: www.picturetrail.com/letterlady
wedding blog: www.weddingletterlady.blogspot.com
art blog: www.letterladysletters.blogspot.com
Hi Christine,
1. Pruna Designs Facebook, Pruna Designs Website I would really love to be featured in your success stores!! I've done most of the work on my own, with the help of referrals. I've built my small company over the years day by day! So happy to be a part of the wedding industry!
2. I feature a wedding idea of the week. Something to look forward to, but not give them too much info. Enough to keep them interested, and enjoy my page while sharing invitations, place cards, favors to get them to my website or comfortable to call. Local charities I participate in are sometimes featured on as well.
3. I've had many referrals from Facebook, I've become a small business in which the community can trust and love. All my brides & couples have been so happy with the results of working with me and our still totally in love and happy. I also have added some features, before i was only custom, now I offer pre-designed invitations to those interested from other vendors as well. I also will feature photographers, cake designers in the area that I recommend working with from time to time.
Hope to talk soon, Danielle
Last year, I reconnected with a friend from middle school. Years, and cities had grown between us. She was pondering a career move and asked her fb friends what they thought of leaving her job as a schoolteacher, for her passion of teaching yoga. I recommended that she just go for it- as I had left my teaching career years ago to go into wedding planning. Just then, a private message popped up saying that it was a total secret, but that she had just gotten engaged last night. Within a month, she hired me, and we began planning her wedding via email. Her wedding took place in Metro Detroit in September 2011. My facebook site can be found here.
Meagan Vanover
Certified Wedding Planner and Independent Invitation Dealer
I received a $50 Facebook Advertising credit for participating in a small business contest last year, so I set up a "pay per click" advertisment linking to my photography business facebook page. In the ad I was able to target my connections to engaged people who lived within a certain distance from me, and in the ad text I offered $100 off services to my facebook followers. It took all of about 2 minutes to setup the ad, and was approved by Facebook and running by the end of the day. Within 48 hours I not only received over 20 new "likes", but I also had 3 inquiries - and one of those inquiring couples booked with me! That month I photographed their engagement photos which were part of their package, and once they shared the online slideshow with family and friends I ended up booking 2 more weddings and a portrait session as a result. So it was a fantastic month for me! That little $50 ad produced such a tremendous profit. I couldn't believe it, I felt like I had been doing everything wrong before this because I had previously ignored my facebook fan page. Now I was realizing the power of social media. By the time the entire credit was used, I saw a great increase in the activity on my page and was able to interact with many people who have since led to several job connections just by others seeing those interactions on their news feed. Definitely worth it!
Yes, just last year, I received a phone call from a bride long distance from my area here in Fort Worth, Texas. She told me that she had seen my post on the Facebook page of Little Chapel in The Woods located in Denton, Texas. Her wedding was going to be held there in a couple of months. She booked with me after finding me on the Chapel's Facebook page.
I started a year ago to go back through my records of all the venus where I have played, look up their particular Facebook page, and followed that with posting a comment and some of the pictures of me, the venue,or the bridal party on their page. This automatically showed a link back to my own Facebook page. It is a great way of following up with the venue to thank them and tell them how much I appreciated their help, or how I enjoyed playing at their Chapel, etc.
As a wedding pianist, this has been a good way to network, plus advertise my services for brides.
Often times, I will get a comment back from the venue complimenting my picture, or pictures.
Laura Cummings/Sounds of Laura
www.soundsoflaura.com (my Facebook page is listed on my Link page on my site)
My facebook page allows me to interact with my brides more so than a faceless person on a website. Brides are more forecoming with questions and asking advice and guidance. I have done more business with facebook and other social media platforms than I have with my online shop. So much so that I have temporarily closed my website down and am doing all my business in this manner.
I post offers on facebook, run competitions and have even had great success with fun auctions. Facebook does have terms and conditions hat you need to adhere to, however I find it very easy to set up all kinds of marketing campaigns through and reach a large audience of brides at the same time.
Not only have I gained a lot of brides but also I ran a competition around sharing my links with their friends to reach out to a larger audience than just my 1,142 likers so therefore its the whole snowballing of modern day word of mouth.
Here is my facebook page and shop https://www.facebook.com/TinyGems
Christine, you are a dynamo! Thank you!!
OK, my fB Success Story....
1. My FaceBook Page Address: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ForeverInspired/252206507028
2. FaceBook marketing activity that's worked best: Posting humorous Wedding Videos!
3. So, the two times I've posted a humorous Wedding Video (bride falling into the fountain, Maid of Honor's dress falls apart, etc..), I've gotten jobs! Friends shared the videos around, and that opened up people to going to my FaceBook page, and then they either went to my website first, or just contacted me directly!! Two postings got me four jobs!! And, those Bride and Grooms expected me to have a sense of humour (which I do have, and most of my couples want me to add humour to their Ceremony)!!
Thank you, Christine!
Mitch Darnell, MS, OSM
Ordained Spiritual Minister
InspirationWedding Officiant
Director, www.SacGroom.com
We generally post current promotions on our page as well as photos of our recent work. Sometimes we'll even have "facebook promos" that are available exclusively to our facebook fans. I am currently working with a bride that inquired about our invitations solely based on what they saw on our facebook page. We have a few brides that may have already heard of us and after visiting our fb page, they contact us, telling us that they want to see more of our work. We offer wedding related information like, what a save-the-date is and whether or not it's needed.
Hi Bridal Tweet family!,
My name is Peter Duncan, owner and Managing Director of a small boutique Wedding Celebrant/Wedding Planning Consultancy business in Rotorua, New Zealand called The Wedding Guy Company. Our facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/nzweddingguy
Here are the some of the marketing successes we have enjoyed on facebook over the last 24 months since focussing a lot of our energy and investment in this exciting "social lounge":
i) P O L L F E A T U R E - We have, and continue to use, facebook's "poll" feature to solicit feeback from fb family and friends to investigate new niche market opportunities and gauge the "pulse" of thinking around various wedding/marriage/relationship related subjects. As a result of using facebook polls, (and resultant feedback received), we launched two products/services via facebook, both of which are steadily growing into very successful branches of our business each of which generate very healthy income streams, i.e. https://www.facebook.com/BridalBootcampRotorua and https://www.facebook.com/WeddingWorkshopsforDIYBrides
To give you an example, our latest product launch, Wedding Workshops for Discerning DIY Brides was born out of the fact that New Zealand Brides are typically DIY (Do-It-Yourself), by nature. As such we wanted to develop a product that introduced these Brides to local wedding industry professionals offering FREE advice and addressing Bride questions in a very informal/relaxed setting with Bubbles and Canapes. Last week saw us host 26 Brides at our second bi-monthly workshop since its launch in Jan 2012. The feedback we've received from both Brides and our suppliers in attendance at these workshops has been fantastic! And, the benefits to our business alone (The Wedding Guy), of this last workshop resulted in 5 client bookings on the night.
ii) C H A T W I N D O W - When we have our initial "needs analysis" meeting with our clients, we now routinely ask if they are on facebook. facebook allows us the opportunity to see when our clients are on-line (via the chat window), and where appropriate we can drop them a quick line or handy hint/wedding "tip" or just say hello to keep our brand at front of mind, and assure them that we're with them along the journey of their wedding planning.
iii) V I D E O C A L L - We use the video call function via facebook to video conference with clients (many of whom love the convenience this option affords, as it allows them freedom in meeting with us without the need to leave the comfort of home and/or children). This has been a huge benefit to our business in reducing our costs (travel, accom, fuel etc), and created an unexpected benefit - a "clean green" image in reducing our carbon footprint on the environment.
iv) C O M M U N I C A T I O N with our Peers - Soon after the inception of our business operation at our home-base in Rotorua, New Zealand, we established a local network of product and service providers with whom we hoped to do business. This network, https://www.facebook.com/TWGfriendsnetwork, now enjoys a membership of 50 local business partnerships. We use the EVENTS function of facebook to notify all our our business partners and affiliates our upcoming quarterly meetings and other special events.
In summary, our business has seen a significant and continuing increase in the number of daily prospective and exiting client interactions/inquiries we receive/conduct as a result of facebook. We have found facebook to be a great environment through which to 'connect' with both prospective and existing clients, but also a vital tool in our continued understanding of our clients needs, social habits, and how we might best anticipate their future needs.
Our business' sales revenue has increased in the last financial year by 25% as a direct result of inquiries received, or products launched (following facebook "poll" research) via facebook.
I hope this is helpful to anyone still hesitant of facebooks value to you, and your business.
May success be yours today, and always!,
Pete Duncan.
Owner/Managing Director
The Wedding Guy Company
© 2025 Created by Christine Dyer.
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