I have come across this problem many times: when I send a contract to be signed that the client takes a very long time before signing it and returning it back to me. Since my market is destination weddings everything goes by mail so I was wondering if you could set a date by when the contract has to be signed?
Hi Iris - I too specialize in destination weddings and use to have the same problem. The way I resolved it was by using an electronic web based signature solution like echosign. But there are others you can use as well just type electronic signature solution in your web browser
Thanks Caren for your reply but that is not what I meant. I asked if you could tell your clients that they have to return the signed contract within a certain amount of time for instance in a week or 2 days for example. I wanted to know if you have done that and what the possibilities are in such a case.
yes I put a time of 5 days for a client to return a signed contract; and as we get close to the day I also follow-up with a call to make sure the client actually received the contract; In every case where I did not get a signed contract within 24 hours the couple had not received the contract or it went into their spam filter. Which is why I now use echosign their service provides you with the ability to know when a couple receives and opens a contract. Plus a couple can also sign the contract electronically so I don't have to wait for them to get to work, scan and then email the signed contract back to me.
Thanks Caren!
I have a deadline date in my contract that ranges from a few days to 2 weeks depending on how far out client's event is. It is very specific that if they do not accept my offer of services by the deadline, the offer is expired and I am no longer obligated to offer what was specified in the contract to them. I do not want to be in the position of potentially holding a date indefinitely for a prospect who is taking a long time to decide, because I could lose business to a client who is ready to get started right now. Always talk to a commercial lawyer if you have questions about contracts.
Thanks for your reply Emee! this is something I will definitely do for my next contract negotiations.
That would be a good idea. I state in my contract that I begin my services once the contract is signed and returned.
I haven't planned or coordinated any destination weddings just yet, but I do give my clients a deadline of 5 days for local brides, and 10 days for out of town brides, to respond to my proposals and sign the contract. This eliminates me acting/seeming desperate to the clients, as well as any miscommunication about proposals and contracts. I don't have the time to wait on a client for more than a week. I value my services too much, and when I first started, I found myself waiting weeks to a month for a response, and then the couple had changed their mind, hired another planner, etc. Clients want to know that you are valuable, and that you value your services too!
I always make sure that I use overnight/express mail regardless of where the proposal and contract is going. I always get delivery confirmation, and make sure that the recipient has to sign it to receive it.That way they can't pull the ' I didn't get it' statement, when I can look up to make sure it was delivered. I also urge them to use overnight/express and delivery confirmation, and insurance as well since they'll most likely be sending it back with a deposit/retainer fee.
I wish you the best!
Amber M. Lee, LoveLee Weddings & Events
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