I've joined two new networks that I think are great so I wanted to see if any of you are using them and if not to tell you about them.

Seeded Buzz allows you to Promote your blog, Guest Write, Meet other bloggers, Links you with advertisers, and more.

Networked Blogs is a facebook app. Anyone who joins your network will show up on your Networked Blogs like box. You can search blogs by area, type and more. When you sign on if you have them you can have each new post show up in your twitter, and your facebook fan page and personal page. All at the same time without you having to manually publish to each area


Here's our Networked Blogs link. Join/Follow Us!

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Replies to This Discussion

I haven't heard about Seeded Buzz, but will check them out. I am with Networked blogs and my readership went up instantly with the use of them, but what I REALLY like is not having to go and remember to post everything all the time. It posts what I have just done on my blog to both my personal page and my Tapestri FB page, which saves a whole lot of hassle. Very happy with them and pretty easy to set up. Thanks for the heads up with the other! I will take a look right now :)




Thanks for the post about both of those sites.  I just joined both of them.  I only had one follower for the Networked Blogs on the little icon on my blog (lol so embarassing!) but then I saw there was a place to send out invites to your FB friends.  Hopefully some of them will follow too.  Anyway, thanks again!

Thanks for posting about Seeded Buzz.  Thats one that I hadent heard of before.


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