I have heard that it is a good idea to create a list of "Must Have" wedding photos.  This can be shared so that they photographer knows exactly what moments to NOT miss. 


What is on your "Must Have" wedding photo list?

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Actually, I find your response more enlightening then the others.  I think that there could be very good and professional photographers who would benefit from a list.  The ideas that I have for wedding photos may not be the same as someone else has for my wedding, even if they are the most professional photographer out there. 

That was, partially at least, my point!  Your photographer is hired by you to capture images you want.  Granted, most have their own unique look, but that should be part of your decision when you are thinking about how your wedding images will look in the end.  And then you build on that initial decision by communicating with your photographer what you want.  Other wise you just get their version of the day, which may not be anything like what you wanted.

Thanks for understanding where I was going with that!

Good luck in your wedding planning!

We are on the same page.  Thanks for the good wishes!

These are a must have. Click the photo to see more samples or get your own.


Yeah! The every couples must have wedding photo albums because in feature can recall all thing and enjoy it.If you hand over the work to photographer.He will take care about it.My suggestion is must have wedding photos .If any body needs helps in wedding planner iPad app and get help.

what program do you use for photo processing? I recommend reading this article http://fixthephoto.com/photoshop-not-enough-ram.html


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