I make flowers out of DECO Clay. The clay is soft and gives a true-to-life finish to the flowers I make. I have found that when I advertise, or even when I display my flowers, people think that my flowers are real. Now, this is not supposed to be bad, because it means I am doing a good job of it. But, it does hurt business. :) 

How do I convey, in my advertising, that my flowers are not real and they are handcrafted from clay? Of course, my tagline says 'Handcrafted CLAY Flowers', but apparently.... that isn't enough. Any advice on this, would be highly appreciated!

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You're just going to have keep getting your product out in the public eye and create a "buzz" about what you offer. Online, maybe you could create a video of you making a flower, and post it on facebook. Do you have professional photos and professionally designed brochures? You can highlight the differences between fresh flowers and what you offer. Hope those ideas help!

Hey Shannon! Thank you for your reply. Professional photos are something I totally lack. I am working with my brides on getting more of those. I am working on a professionally designed brochure too. But I am having difficulty with the text part. :) Videos of flower making unfortunately are not allowed by the academy that I belong to. But maybe I could post a picture, yes....

I shall try out these things and keep you posted on how it goes...


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