I have a strictly online Plus Size bridal and Prom website. However, I cannot seem to generate traffic. I joined many wedding forums constantly posting advise for brides (not promoting my product) with a
link to my website at the end of every page. Instead of helping, I keep
getting warnings from the forums. I also joined as a vendor on these
wedding forums and it has not helped. Facebook and twitter have not been
much help either! Does anybody have any suggestions? If you have any
feedback on the website I would appreciate that as well!


Paula Daley,


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I love your suggestion of replacing the front page with a blog. I am going to do that this week. I am also going to go back and tag each photo of my items. Thanks Chris
Thank you,
We are based out of Tampa, FL. I just stopped by your site, it is great and you have great product. Where are you based out of?
Paula, have you considered offering an affiliate program. I find its always better to get others to help you with your marketing and this is a great way to grow your business...
Hi Glen,
I have traded links with a couple of companies, but I don't ave an affiliate program per say. Do you have any suggestions on how to go about doing this? Thank you for the feedback.
Sorry Paula for just responding I but I'm just seeing your note.

I have now visited your site and it seem to be an affiliate site is that so?
I think that all the responses I've seen posted to your inquiry are absolutely FANTASTIC! Everyone has his/her own style & suggested approach. I've replied to other posts before, so forgive me if you've seen this already, but your issue is one we all face: how to get noticed. Obviously you need to create a brand & an e-presence. Your website might as well be on a desert island if none of your intended customers find it. You are doing all the right things by joining wedding forums, but you have a unique product that many, many brides-to-be would be happy to find. You need to position yourself as the expert in this area, instead of just promoting your website, which might make you seem like you are just posting a response instead of paying for an advertisement. I don't know the forums that have chastised you, but perhaps that's the problem. Promoting your business using a facebook fanpage is a boon! Adding twitter to that by having your fb posts automatically load to your twitter page is a must. Asking your clients to "like" or to re-post or re-tweet your fb & tweets is something that you should do every time. In addition, having your customers post reviews of your business in trade-relevant websites is also something you need to develop. Your blog, possible e-newsletter & future e-marketing campaigns will have this as their foundation. Anyway, these are just suggestions...best of luck w/all your efforts!
Hi Paula,
In your Meta Meta Description you have BlowoutBridal.com Home Page . Try put here maybe bridal lingerie, bridal corsets, bridal bras, wedding lingerie, online bridal lingerie. sorry maybe it is not lingerie you do but this is your window to put keywords into your website.
Your page title is "BlowoutBridal.com, The Dress You Always Dreamed of at a Price You Never Dreamed! " Maybe you should say the Wedding dress you always dreamed about etc..
You do not appear to have a twitter account?
You do not seem to have a RSS feed on your site?
Set up a blog for your website. Blogging is a great way to reach your target audience with your thoughts, opinions, and offerings on relevant topics.

Hi Paula!

I'm in the same boat as you. All of the suggestions on here are great. I really hope to boost my business in the next year, and I know it just takes time to build momentum. Word of mouth is great, and I'm doing my first bridal show soon, which will hopefully help. I use facebook and twitter to drive business and I try to interact with people and not just promote myself. Google Analytics helps to see where your traffic is coming from, so make sure you use it if you don't already.
Let me know if you find anything that works great for you!
Put your website through this site www.websitegrader.com it is very good.
I downloaded www.ibusinesspromoter.com last night and it runs a free check for errors on your website. I was trying to see why I was not appearing on google for the keyword Lingerie. It looks good but have to buy it in the end $299 not sure should I? As anyone else used this?

The marketing is the best option for promoting traffic for the business.The point is that the wright plan and moves to be made at the wright time.this is the important thing to promote the online business.If any one needs help to plan a wedding,you may use the wedding planner iPhone app and ease the wedding tension.

it is really a problem for the online promotion~


   I am in the same situation. I sell wedding decor & photo props and have done everything I can think of however I cannot get business to me website. I have signed up for the free SEO as well as listed my site with google and yahoo but I'm stuck in the thousands where no one wants to look..


Any secrets you have learned from here would be greatly appriciated and if ya wanna send me a 100x100 banner of your logo  I would be happy to put it on my page! shabbyweddingchic@gmail.com 


Thanks and good luck!



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