Help, please. How to address "second" parents on the Wedding Program

Hi all.  I have a bride who is very close with her Aunt and Uncle, basically her second set of parents.  She would like to honor them in that way on the program.  Any ideas on how to do this?  She really doesn't want to have Aunt and Uncle of the Bride, Mr. & Mrs.  Blablabla.  Thanks

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I've seen people do "Honorary Bridesmaids/Groomsmen/Flower Girls/Ring Bearers" etc - what about Honorary Witnesses? or Honorary Attendants?
Hmm this is a tough one. There certainly isn't any reason why her aunt and uncle can't be listed with the bridal party and family as a way of honoring them - it's just working out what title to use!

In my wedding, I chose particular relatives and family friends to take on roles in the ceremony and reception such as a readers, usher and master of ceremonies. That way it is possible to include them in the program with their role at the wedding. I agree with Crystal - if it is not possible to include them in these roles, perhaps and honorary title would make things easier.

Failing that, at the end of the list of bridal party members, you could always add "special thanks to".

Hope this helps!


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