My fiance and I live in California. Most of my family is all over the world (literally) and some on the east coast (Maryland and South Carolina) and some of his family is in California and South Carolina. I want to have the wedding in Cali but I think that it would be too much trouble for my my mom to travel from Maryland to Cali. Should I have the wedding in Maryland just so it would be convenient for my mom?

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It sounds like mom flying out is not an gotta have mom there in my opinion. So why not have it in MD in Ocean City (if you want the beach)?
I take it riding the train isn't an option either? The train is great. Sleeping car, relaxing, but I know it's not for everyone.
Remember, it's YOUR wedding. Not your moms. If your mom really wants to be there, she should try her hardest.
This is not a time for power trips. It's your day.
That's my two cents.
You need to consider whether your Mother is physically able to travel. Where are the bulk of your friends? If you grew up in Maryland and have close ties there you might consider going east. If you have established yourself in California and that is where your important friends are then California should be your choice. This is YOUR big day and you want to be able to look back on it and be happy with the choice you made.

Is having a small family wedding on the East Coast and then a reception in California not an option?
We have many friends who have gone through the same trouble. You are going to want to have your wedding in a place that would be easiest for the immediate family to be able to go. One of the options for the others who might not be able to make it all the way to the actual wedding is to have a small reception somewhere else, persay, California if you have your wedding in Maryland, or in South Carolina where is family is. That way they feel they didn't really miss out on the day, not to mention you get more gifts and to wear your dress again. Win win!

Personally, my parents live in Hawaii and we got married in California. I understand how hard it is to plan a wedding without your family here. She is one person you are going to want there when you pick your dress, when you have your showers, when you are getting ready. So I hope this helped at all with ideas for what to do. It is a touch decision, but the day is really about the two of you, and your Mom would probably do the travel for that very reason, as well as your other family.
I think you've gona to find a place convenient for most of the relatives and friend if you do want to consider this question. But if you insist this, maybe you can not have your wedding in your most-like place. It's difficult...
I went through the same thing. His fam was in CA and mine was in WI. We live in IN. We were thinking Chicago since we love the city, and that way everyone would have to travel to get to the fun. But it became such a hassle, we decided to secretly elope. We called our parents right before the ceremony. That may not be something you would ever consider, so barring that, perhaps you could offer to fly out to Maryland and bring your mom back with you, that way she has a travel companion and you both have some valuable bonding pre-wedding time. It's expensive, but it could be one of the most memorable parts of the whole wedding experience.


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