This may sound like a silly question but I've been thinking about having sponsors on my blog but I don't know the first thing about getting them.  Do I just go to different blogs and reach out to the owners of the blog.  I am trying my best to generate more traffic on my website and blog and it  has been slowly increasing, so I'm looking for that next step. 

Also, do people get giveways?  I would love to do a giveaway of some sort. I'm thinking about purchasing a beautiful cake stand and giving that away and maybe doing that here and there.  Sorry I'm rambling!  LOL :)

Thanks all!!!!! 

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Some people purchase the give-away items, others have friends donate items from their businesses, or you can simply start cold calling the sponsorship, marketing and product managers of various businesses and asking them to donate in exchange for the promotion. I originally come from a background where I produced a lot of charity events so picking up the phone and calling people is my first impulse. They will ask you to write a letter outlining what you are asking for, why, and what promotion they will get in return. Utilize businesses that you already have relationships with. Anywhere that you are a regular customer will usually be the first to donate items or services. They want to keep their customers happy.
We are about to do a giveaway as well as soon as our new company is up and running. We were going to advertise the give away on Twitter, Bridal Tweet, flyers, Craigslist and everywhere we could. Our giveaway is a little different too, more of an incintive for buying a product, they can win something if they purchase...


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