I have found a wonderful person that i would like to have as my assistant. I would like to know the steps in hiring her. I am a sole owner of my business.

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Great advice Glen! I'd also like to add that you should consider if your assistant will be a legal employee (you'll have to take out taxes) or paid as a consultant. You may want to consult your attorney or accountant on this one as well :-)

Kudos for needing an assistant, may your business continue to flourish!
Thank you Glen.I will do that.
Besides the law of hiring you probably want to make sure your assistant is the right one for your business. In our case, before actual hiring, if the person passed the interview, we invite him for a 3 days trial on our busy days. It allows us to see how he interacts with cliens and other stuff. Is he taking initiative or just waiting for someone to tell him what to do. We found it very usefull, as it turns out that what you hear on the interview is not always the truth.


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