Kajol was recently seen out and about in Mumbai when she went for Ganesh darshan to Manish Malhotra's residence. The Kuch Kuch Hota Hai actress was dressed in an oh-so-gorgeous purple silk saree with exquisite zari work for the festivities. What's interesting is that Kajol's look actually was an ode to Madhuri Dixit's iconic purple saree-lehenga look from Hum Aapke Hain Kaun's song Didi Tera Dewar Deewana while sharing her festival ready OOTD on her Instagram handle.
Kajol's desi avatar featured a purple and navy blue saree with green pleats and heavy gold zari bootas and a border on the palla. Kajol teamed the saree with a sleeveless fitted corset-style navy velvet blouse with silver embroidered strap design. For her accessories, Kajol picked a kundan necklace set in gold and a pearl encrusted gold cocktail ring on her finger. These glam elements added some sparkle to her Madhuri-inspired look.
On the hair and makeup front, Kajol wore her brunette tresses in a salon-style blow-out worn open over her shoulders. As for her makeup, she kept things minimal with feathery brows, beaming skin, a wash of brown eyeshadow on her lids, mascara-filled wispy lashes, a hint of blush and highlighter and a nude rose lip colour to add the finishing touches to her look.
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