Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant

One of the amazing thing about being a marriage celebrant is hearing the different stories about how people met and fell in love.

It's also comforting for those singletons out there to hear that "nice boys" don't just go to church like our mums would have us believe. Every couple has their own unique touching story to share.

Mickey and I met at a very interesting time in our lives. Our initial introduction was through myspace, friend of a friend kind of stuff and then I walked into the studios at NBN to do a voice over and there he was. Tall, dark and handsome with an amazing smile. We talk a bit online for a while and saw each other at odds times through work but It took quitting my job and the decision to leave town for me to have the courage to ask him out for a beer and the rest.... is history. I stayed in Newcastle, he moved in, we got engaged, then married... as for kids.. soon(ish) (PS No I'm not pregnant but we are not opposed to the idea of little Mickeys and Kez' soon - Ed)

I hit up a few of my facebook fans to share their stories about how love found them or vice versa.

Natasha of Your Special Day met her husband out nightclubbing.
Bec from Bridez United and Couture Bridez met her hubby online and, like Natasha, hit the clubs to meet up.
"Our first meet lines were - (Bec) "Are you the guy I'm looking for" - (Chad) "I just might be"...this has becoming a bit of a joke to us now and of course we added that to our vows"

Again, out clubbing was the key for Aimee who, although knowing her man through school says it took some "few vodka shots, bad dancing, star-gazing and an arm slammed in the car door later, we just knew it was meant to be"

It seems like a lot of people have the internet to thank for getting them together. Take Autumn from The Paper Couturiere who met her husband online in a yahoo chat room for Politics and Government - the one good thing George W Bush has done!

Justine met her soon to be husband at a St Kilda versus Sydney football game. The odds your dream man is in the crowd of 15,000+? Well, one in fifteen thousand obviously, but it can happen.

And finally, Laura from LK Photography owes her friends a huge favour. For four years they tried to get them to meet.. and when it finally happened? FIREWORKS!

The point is, you can't plan for love, you can't make it happen. It may appear at the most opportune or the most inconvenient time. It could be the realisation that a close friend means something more to you, or a complete stranger walking into a room.

Love will find you in it's own time, in it's own way and when it does - it will have been worth the wait.

Leave your own love story here

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