When you buy a car and put it on the road, you have to buy car insurance. When you get married and have children, most couples get life insurance. When you build a house, you hire the best architect and builder you can find to ensure that your house gets designed and built properly and then you insure it with house and contents insurance to make sure that you are covered in case of fire or theft. So, why should your marriage be any different?
So many couples go into their wedding without having taken any premarital coaching to learn the tools to having a successful marriage. I want to use this blog to dispel some of the myths out there about premarital coaching. |
Let me ask you a few questions to consider. Do you love each other? Do you want to get married? How long do you want your marriage to last? For the first two questions, I am assuming your answer is yes. To the third question, I would hope your answer would be for the rest of your life. What is that worth to you? If this was a MasterCard commercial, your answer would be priceless. Your marriage is far more valuable to MasterCard. Isn’t your marriage worth the investment?
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