Chances are you are planning to hold a dinner following your rehearsal the evening before your wedding. To make sure that everyone involved in your rehearsal knows they are invited to this dinner, it’s a good idea to send out special rehearsal invitations to provide them with all the details as to time, location, etc.


42b4r Rehearsal Invitations
The wording of your invitation will depend on who is hosting the dinner. If the bride and groom are hosting, they will be listed as doing the inviting. If parents are arranging the dinner, the invitation will state it is being held in honor of the bride and groom and may also list the names of the hosts.


NGN1463 Rehearsal Invitations
You may want to also include response cards for guests to return if you are inviting quite a number of people so you can properly plan for seating and food arrangements. As a courtesy, remember to include a postage stamp on the response envelope for quick and easy return mailing.



Even though your rehearsal dinner guest list won’t be as large as your wedding invitation guest list, these select persons will appreciate a formal invitation providing all the details.

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