Wedding Fitness – 5 Steps to Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals

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Wedding Fitness – 5 Steps to Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals

Written by Ryan : Posted on February 3, 2013

So you’ve got one year until your wedding and you know you want to look your best, which means losing weight and getting in shape. But how on earth are you going to fit working out every day into your schedule when you barely have time to sleep, let alone wedding planning AND work AND family?

You plan.

You would NEVER let the details of your wedding go until the last minute, and you know that losing weight doesn’t happen overnight. Think of your body as another item on your wedding To Do list and work it into your schedule.

Let’s compare your wedding to your ideal body. You have a particular image in your head of what each will look like as a finished product and you know that both have many components to complete in order to make the dream become a reality. You must break down the whole into smaller pieces with a set timeline in order to achieve what you want.

Enter the SMART guidelines. Use this to plan both your wedding and your fitness goals.

  1. Specific. It’s not about ‘losing weight’ or ‘looking awesome.’ If you have 30 lbs and a lot of inches to lose, put that number down.
  2. Measurable. It’s all about the numbers. Break those 30 lbs into chunks of 3 lbs at a time of two weeks or one month
  3. Achievable. Don’t think that you can lose 100 lbs in 2 months. It’s just not going to happen.
  4. Realistic. If you know that running on the treadmill for an hour a day isn’t going to fit in your schedule, understand that your goal will take a little longer than what you may have originally assumed.
  5. Time-based. Use the schedule that you set for your goals and keep yourself accountable. By thinking that your goals have a set limit, you will be more motivated to complete them by that time.


Get a big monthly calendar and put in every single thing that needs to get done and every single goal that you want to accomplish between now and your wedding date. DO NOT make your weight loss goal less than 6 weeks before your wedding, since you’ll need to accommodate for alterations. Enter the date you need to have the cake design finalized, the caterer booked, the flowers ordered, and when you want to lose 10 lbs by.

Do you have a daily To Do list? The easiest way to fit in workouts is to have 30 to 60 minutes each day for either a total body workout or cardio, or both if you have the time. BUT by mapping out your workout sessions in the monthly calendar, you’ll already know which days you can spend more time on your workouts!

Every day you work on something else for your wedding to get it finished. Do the same for your weight. Planning and preparing your meals on your day off will only give you more time and money to work on your big day. It will stress you out less because you don’t have to worry about eating bad foods and the good foods will help you stress less (gotta love the full circle effect)!

So in order to be successful in your goals, you need to plan. By looking at your weight loss goals in the same light as your wedding goals, you will undoubtedly accomplish both with a stamp that can only be your own. Your day can be perfect, you just have to put in the effort to make it so!


Special thanks for this guest post goes to:

BrittanyBrittany Arner, BHK
ACSM certified Personal Trainer
Owner, Essential Fitness Windsor


Essential Fitness



Photo included in this post courtesy of: mimwickett

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