It is confirmed! Tollywood‘s heartthrob, Varun Tej, and the ever-charming Lavanya Tripathi are set to get engaged in a lavish ceremony in Hyderabad tomorrow, June 9. A photo of an engagement invitation card is going viral on social media, sending waves of excitement and joy through their extensive fan base. The text on the card read: “Two Hearts, One Love. Congratulations Mega Prince Varun Tej & Lavanya Tripathi. Wishing a lifetime of happiness together. Engagement: 9th June 2023.” Elegant, yet minimalistic, the invitation featured a beautiful portrait of the couple, exuding warmth and radiance.
Known for their on-screen chemistry and captivating performances, Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi have stolen the hearts of moviegoers and critics alike. As soon as the invitation was shared online, fans couldn’t help but hit the “share” button, ensuring that the news of Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi’s engagement spread like wildfire. The world now eagerly awaits more details about this star-studded affair in the Konidela fam!
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