Red roses are the most widely used flowers for all occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, engagements etc. Roses symbolize love, passion, romance etc. They are available in an array of colors such as red, yellow, white, orange, pink, purple, blue, black and even in bi-colors. Each color of the rose has a different meaning. For instance, red roses symbolize love, orangesymbolizes passion, yellow symbolizes friendship etc.
Factors to Consider While Choosing a Rose Bouquet for Wedding
While choosing a bouquet of roses, you must take into account an array of factors in order to choose the right bouquet of roses for your wedding. From the color, texture, scent to the size of the head of the flower, a host of factors are considered for choosing wedding flowers.
Type: The first aspect for creating your bridal bouquet is choosing the right ‘type’ of rose. There are endless options to choose from when it comes to selecting the type. Roses are available in an array of textures, shapes,andcolors. Some of the specialist growers even produce bicolor roses that look exotic. You could pick the type of roses according to the season of your wedding. For instance, amnesia roses are ideal for a ‘vintage-style’ wedding, whereas soft hues of red and pink such as peony-esque David Austin Rose are suitable for a summer wedding.
Color: The Rose Family offers a plethora of colored roses for you to choose the right color according to the color scheme of your wedding. You would find mesmerizing shades of roses such as oyster, peach, soft champagne,and apricot as well as all shades of pink and dark wine red. For a summer wedding, roses in various shades of pink or cream are ideal. For an autumn or winter wedding, you could choose something more dramatic, such as red roses.
Sizes: For adding more texture and depth to your bridal bouquet, you can mix roses of different sizes. You could use spray roses as fillers in your bouquet. These roses are smaller compared to their counterparts. Thus, they prove to be good fillers in bouquets of big roses or any other flowers. Roses are available in various sizes, such as small, medium and large flower heads. It is a good idea to combine the large or medium-sized rose heads with the spray roses. Moreover, the tighter roses are best for a formal look; whereas the open roses offer an informal and relaxed look. In addition to the size, much consideration should be given to the weight of the bouquet as well. The woody stem of the roses are quite heavy and hence it is not wise to choose a type of rose of the large-head variety and in huge quantity, as that could be too heavy for holding all day long.
By keeping in mind the above-mentioned factors while choosing your bridal bouquet, the task would not be difficult and you would be able to select the right one for your wedding.
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