A wedding is a major financial strain and to avoid problems it is wise to develop a budget. The buget is based on what the couple and other contributors can afford. Being practical and realistic will avoid the problem and embarassment of changing plans to cope with a shortage of funds-or going into debt to finance the affair. Also this reason alone provides the solution of having a wedding planner to micro-manage your pennies so that you don't have to be stressed on whats supposed to be one of the best day of your lives.

A wedding doesn't have to be expensive. We all know money is going in all directions, down payment on your first home, maybe kiddos on the way, wedding preperations, your blending two lives together. To began the budget you should list the categories of importance on your wedding day. Maybe Reception, photographs, flowers, and catering. Then number them by importance. Directly across from the item list he estimated cost. As you plan your wedding the estimate will turn into real numbers that way you won't lose site of your money.

The tips above should put you on the path to staying financially stable and realistic when it comes to planning your big day. Remember its a matter of setting priorities and then working the budget around them.

Shairon Goins



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