Sunny Leone's movie Kennedy, directed by Anurag Kashyap, premiered at the prestigious Cannes film festival on Wednesday. It was indeed a “proud moment” of her career, and her sartorial sensibilities played in her favour, making the moment all the more memorable. After a magnificent debut in a gorgeous green velvet gown, Sunny Leone turned heads at the red carpet in a one-shoulder metallic copper satin duchesse dress from designer Naja Saade's Spring-Summer 2023 couture collection. The ensemble featured a side cut out along with a chic and risque side slit, to elevate the oomph quotient of her fit.
That one-shoulder detailing extended to become a long trail, with a statement brooch attached around the shoulders. Her stilettos provided the right amount of bling required for the red carpet outing. She styled the tresses in an uber-cool bun. Glowy and dewy base with blushed cheeks, a dab of highlighter and bold red lips were her glam picks.
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