The NMAAC launch that took place this past weekend in Mumbai saw stars from across the world shine their brightest. Bollywood's Gen Z gang, including Shanaya Kapoor and Ananya Panday, were in attendance. Amongst them all, it was Suhana Khan who caught our attention and refused to let it go. Her Sabyasachi ensemble was part of the reason why. Suhana wore a muted gold designer saree which combined prints, applique and sequins that gave the traditional garment a contemporary feel that was good enough for this Gen Z fashionista.
The sheer number featured a dotted print with floral gold sequin work and narrow patterned borders. Her bikini-style saree blouse added a glint with its floral detailing in muted gold sequins. Suhana's dangling circular earrings sans any other accessories added finesse to the outfit. Her curtain bang-accented hairstyle was styled in waves while her makeup was gleaming and bronzed with heavily contoured cheeks and fluttery lashes.
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