South Indian film director Krish Jagarlamudi got married on November 11, 2024. The Hari Hara Veera Mallu director tied the knot with Dr. Priti Challa, who is a practicing obstetrician and gynaecologist based out of Hyderabad. The newlywed couple shared a collaborative post on Instagram that gave everybody a sneak-peak into the festivities and showed off their regal wedding ready looks. Krish Jagarlamudi looked dapper in an ivory silk wedding sherwani, which featured old-gold embroidered motifs around the bandhgala and Mandarin collared neckline and the chest. He teamed it with a pair of matching pajamas and accessorised his look with a multi-layered pearl necklace. On the grooming front, Krish styled his hair into a clean side combed look and a trimmed beard.
Krish's newlywed wife Dr. Priti Challa wore a traditional Tamilian kanjivaram pattu silk saree in a lovely mustard hue. The bridal nine-yard wonder featured multicoloured jaal-style floral work. Priti wore it with a matching half-sleeve blouse and accessorised her look with vintage gold set chandbalis, a matching maharani necklace, a layered necklace embellished with emeralds, and a gold chain with a circular ruby embedded pendant. For her bridal hair and makeup, the bride styled her tresses into a messy high-ponytail with a fringe framing her face. On the makeup front, she wore her dewy fresh skin, defined brows, brown eyeliner defined eyes, and a nude-brown lip colour to make for a minimal glam bride.
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