Side Hustles To Help You Save For The Big Day!

When it comes to the costs of weddings, they don’t seem to be getting cheaper and it’s most definitely the opposite. Choosing to get married in this economy as well? Brave and bold are all I can come up with but they are also very expensive. Although you cannot put a price on love, wedding venues, dresses and flowers certainly can and no matter how long you wait, the price tag will still come with a few zeros.

So we are here to help you find ways for you to have your perfect dream wedding without having to hold back. After the internet, there are now more ways than ever to make an extra bit of cash without having to work overtime. In some cases, it might come from current skills you’ve developed and others might just be because you’ve heard a friend of a friend make a bit of extra money this way.

Let’s dive into some of the top side hustles you and your partner could take up to put in the wedding bank. We hope you find one useful and can have the wedding of your dreams. 

Sell Everything!

Joking! Of course, you shouldn't have to sell your soul for the wedding but it’s a perfect way to earn a bit of extra cash—no strings attached, quick and simple. While there are multiple sites for you to choose from, like Vinted, eBay, and Facebook Marketplace, your choice will depend on what exactly you are selling. Going through your old clothes, you’d be able to earn an extra few pennies on just about everything, what you think won't sell will definitely sell, something I have learned from my experience.

Trading Online

While this might require the most time out of the others, you can potentially get big returns if you have done the research and been very careful. Trading online also comes with risks, such as broker scams or forex scams so you have to ensure that you are keeping your wits about you and keeping any money in your wallets. We would suggest reading more about it but it’s a great opportunity to earn extra money.

Rent Out What You Can

From a spare room, your care to your designer bags. There will always be someone willing to pay to borrow or use the space you do have. While renting out your things comes with risks, there are ways to ensure you are doing it with trustworthy people. When it comes to belongings, make sure you are insured or going through reputable sites that offer this kind of protection. This is a very easy way to earn a good chunk of cash or save a bit off your rent, which can go a long way in the long term.

Handcrafts: Get Creative

If you have a skill you are proud of and think you have the means to do something with it, then trust your gut and go for it. The amount of success stories that come with just trying to earn from one of their hobbies is insane and that could be you. From crafting clay ornaments to tailoring pieces of clothing, these skills should be capitalised on to help you save for your perfect wedding.

Final Thoughts

We hope you found something useful and are taking the necessary steps to save some money for the wedding of the year. Find what makes you tick and go for it; you never know and it could come with big rewards.

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