OMG…..O.M.GGGGGG I did? I’m sure I did? it felt like it……no I’m sure it was……I saw it people… SUNSHINEEEEE! and not the sunshine in my mind – oh nooooo – actual sunshine….come on guys you remember what that is?! it’s the lovely rays that come from that ball of fire in the sky – THE SUN?!! lol Well, on my stroll to Tesco’s this morning I was blinded by it- albeit all of 2 minutes – but blinded by it none the less! it was like a scene out of one of those horror movies I swear! I was innocently walking along like the unsuspecting, living in the dark hermit we’ve all become, when it happened… this strange warmth washed over me, so lovely as it was, I attempted to seek out where this beautiful strange heat was coming from! Then I looked up to the sky and there it was, this bright, ball of light! and like all creatures of the dark I instantly shrank away from it, eyes all scrunched up, hand covering my face, while I screeched “my eeyyeee’s, they’re burnninng!!” lol then I remembered to stop acting like a freak and face the sun and enjoy all 120 seconds of it…..before the clouds mockingly swallowed it back up and took it away from me – but it was real, I SWEAR….. (at least I think so…)
OK I’ve just realised, that I have written a whole paragraph about my moment (very temporary moment) in the sun! lol – but do you remember when spring used to be spring? and we even used to have actual summers? *sighs* talking of remembering, this leads me very nicely onto todays ‘Supplier of the Week’! on my usual internet digs, where I look to bring you something fab for the week, I happened on upon the lovely Jessica Harrington and her ‘Wedding Save The Date’ Magnets. That’s right Magnets, not cards! and by now you’ll know that I love anything that puts a quirky or original spin on the norm and Jessica’s Magnets do just that. I mean how many of you when receiving a ‘Save The Date’ card actually keep them once the big day has come and gone? I know I personally don’t, but I definitely would if I was sent a beautifully designed magnet! I think this is a really cool and original idea, something that can be kept as keepsake or memento of a loved ones wedding.
Jessica gave me a her thoughts and ideas about her creations and company and how she managed to come up with the FAB idea for the Magnets in the first place:
“I got married myself August 2012 and made the magnets with packaging originally for my own wedding guests. The ‘Rose Floral’ design was inspired from the design of my wedding dress. I had my save the date magnets with packaging published on a wedding blog, just to showcase what I had created for my own wedding. From that I started having enquires from other brides asking if I could make them for their weddings too! A year later I now have an increasing customer base in the UK and more and more customers from the US and Australia. It feels like a great achievement when you know your products are being talked about not only in the UK but in countries so far away.”
“There are 3 products available which can be adapted to any of the 10 designs currently available: 1. Rose Floral 2. Sunflower Floral, 3. Birdcage, 4. Autumn, 5. Pretty Bow, 6. Seashell Beach, 7. Aviation Birdcage, 8. Retro Bunting, 9. 1950′s Vinyl Record, 10. Tea Party. There are two magnet sizes 58mm and 77mm, but also if your looking for something a little different the 58mm magnets can also be bought with handmade packaging. The packaging is a piece of coloured card with a beautiful delicate lace paper, which a matching label attached to the top. A clear plastic pouch displays the magnet beautifully within the packaging.”
I wanted to know what Jessica’s favourite magnet design was, that she has created for a client?
“I am open to creating a completely new design to match any wedding theme, so don’t have to stick to the existing 10 designs currently available. I love when a bride comes to me asking for something new as I can get my ‘creative mind’ flowing! I love the ’1950′s; vinyl record design which I first created for a customer last year. Since then I have had lots of orders and interest in them.”
In the spirit of Easter giving, Jessica is kindly offering my readers £5 off an order, if you order 50 or more 58mm magnets with or without packaging. Quoting STYLISH EVENTS – offer expires 7th April 2013
I don’t know about you, but I simply ADORE these magnets, they are just too cool! I really like the idea of surprising guests with these one-of-a-kind keepsake Magnets – I mean just look at them!
For more information about Jessica and her ‘Save The Date’ Magnets you can find her on:
Twitter: @WedSavetheDate
Well I hope you enjoyed todays ‘Supplier Of The Week’ post, have a great Easter weekend and try not to over indulge on the chocolate, I know all you Chocolate fiends out there like to use this holiday to justify your manic choccie eating binges! Saying that the “Easter Bunny” gave you all those eggs to eat, just wont wash! You know who are! lol
Keep an eye out for the next post, featuring Bridal Gown Designer Charlotte Garrett. It’s going to be jam packed with so much Glamour and Sparkle, that the post will have to come with a reader warning, advising you to keep your sunglasses at the ready or be blinded by the fabolousness of it all! lol
Stay blessed and we’ll speak again soon.
**For more bridal inspiration why not head over to my blog and pinterest!**
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