Recently, the GQ Best Dressed event in Mumbai was a dazzling spectacle. Bollywood celebrities like Tamannaah Bhatia, Vijay Varma, Shruti Haasan, and Ishaan Khatter showed up in their fashionable best. Amidst the star-studded soiree, there was someone who stole all the spotlight. It was Saiyami Kher. Her fashion statement was an absolute showstopper. Saiyami wore a jaw-dropping blue gown designed by Saisha Shinde. The gown featured a daring plunging neckline and glittery embellishments at the bust and torso. Adding to the drama was an oh-so-high slit.
With long cape sleeves and a flowing trail, she effortlessly oozed sophistication. From the accessory store, Saiyami chose sleek black heels and a pair of studs. Her hair was elegantly pulled back into a neat bun. The diva sported smoky eyes, a dewy base, and subtle nude lips that added the finishing touches to her fabulous OOTD.
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