Three years ago, Sonam K Ahuja and Anand Ahuja had one of the grandest Bollywood weddings, attended by the who's who of Bollywood, with numerous moments from the event going viral. It was almost the opposite for the former's sister Rhea Kapoor when she tied the knot with director Karan Boolani recently as hardly any guests could attend the ceremony, which was held at home without any media presence due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, unlike a wedding invite before the nuptials, the families chose to inform their near and dear ones with a card, after the ceremony.
Anil Kapoor and his family sent out post-wedding cards to some of the celebrities of the film industry. One of them was his co-star of many films, Jackie Shroff and his family. Ayesha Shroff posted a glimpse of the card.
Unlike the usual message about the couple getting married and to invite guests for the wedding, the Kapoors' message read, 'Karan and Rhea were married.' They added that the ceremony took place at home.
Rhea, who is a film producer, and Karan got married on August 14, after 12 years of being in a relationship. The event was held at the Kapoor residence. Rhea had dropped pictures with a heartwarming message via her Instagram handle:
"12 years later, I shouldn’t have been nervous or overwhelmed because you’re my best friend and the best guy ever. But I cried and shook and had stomach flips all the way through because I didn’t know how humbling the experience would be. I’ll always be that girl who had to come home to juhu at 11 pm before my parents fell asleep," she wrote.
"Only until now I didn’t know how lucky I was to feel torn. I hope we make a family so close that we have many, many loves of our life. Mine are @karanboolani @anilskapoor @kapoor.sunita @sonamkapoor and @harshvarrdhankapoor forever more," her note read.
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