Weddings are a very important and special time. It’s meant to be a beautiful and joyous occasion but sometimes it can bring out the worst in us.  Don’t become bridezilla and try a few of these tips to keep your wedding and planning process fun, stress-free, and enjoyable.


-Remember why you’re there

Don’t get caught up in making sure everything is pitched perfect to where it’s all you think about.  Your wedding is about you, your spouse, and that you want to spend the rest of your life together in love; all the rest is just extra.  Keep your head on straight and focus on the things that will make the both of you happy and stress free

-Don’t Break the Bank

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a great wedding.  It’s silly to spend so much money that all you remember about your wedding was how expensive it was.  You want to have a good time and for the occasion to be beautiful, but do you really need that marble fountain?  There are all kinds of websites and magazines where you kind find lists of beautiful and inexpensive ways decorate your wedding. You can also attend Wedding events liked the Wedding Expo at the Colombia Holiday Inn Hotel, for inspiring ideas and contests that can help reduce your costs.




-Make a Toast

You don’t want to be stumbling drunk down the aisle, but there is nothing wrong with having a toast of your favorite drink with your bridesmaids to calm those butterflies.


-Slow Down

With everyone hounding for your attention it’s hard for your brain to slow down enough to process a memory.  Take a few minutes either by yourself or with your spouse to just take it all in and really cherish that you are now married.  It’s also very important that you eat.  So many couples don’t get a chance to eat at their wedding because there is so much going on.  Take things slow so you get a chance to remember.


-Go with the Flow

Understand that things happen.  While it is your Wedding Day and very special, it is still a day where things naturally can have mishaps.  Don’t fret and stress yourself out about the things that might happen or even the things that do.  If you stay fun and easy going you’re going to enjoy the day better and those around you will too.


Sometimes You Have to Let Go

Like the previous tip said that things happen, at some point you’re going have to let go of the reins.  The professionals you hired are just that, professionals.  Many hotels have event and reception experts who specialize in catering weddings. Many hotels create beautiful wedding receptions that focus their highest priority on you and your guests’ enjoyment.

Following all or even just a few of these tips can really help make your wedding more enjoyable.  You’re getting married so enjoy every minute of it as stress-free!


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