Much can be said about how we feel when we are unsure of what it is we are doing, where we are going, or with whom we are doing it...

This can be true of your career, your religion or spirituality, or even the person you are about to marry.


We've all had those nights where we lie awake at night, body tired but brain on overdrive.  Questioning out actions, our feelings and our upcoming decisions.

But there is always that little voice, the one we often ignore but shouldn't.  It gives us the advice we need, our sould hears it and so does our heart... we just need that damn brain to follow suite.


I am personally guilt of worrying about my future, and it's generally things that I have no power over or turn out to be things I didn't need to worry about.  But in this particular instance, I am referring to the launch of my company "4Eleven Events" which I started last May. 

Will I be a good enough Event Designer?

Will my company be successful?

What if I screw up someone's event?


Well that little voice kept me pushing... sometimes slowly, sometimes I did nothing for weeks out of fear of failure.

And then I got my first wedding.  450 people.  3 staff members. Thanksgiving Sunday.  And anything that could go wrong, did.

By the time I left that event I didn't even look at what I had done... I lay in the back of the loading van, foetal position, reciting the words "Oh my God I'm done for."

Turns out I got thank you messages from the bride, compliments from the photographers, an overworked and happy crew, featured in a Bridal Magazine and Nominated for an award...

What more is needed to prove I'm on the right track?


Me to believe that I am.


Whatever your stress or question is, don't listen to the brain.  Calm yourself until you hear that little voice pushing you on... and if you can't do that... take the plunge and tackle that challenge head on.  Through your greatest obstacles you find your greatest strengths.  Nothing ventured nothing gained.  And how do you know what you are capable of unless you throw yourself in the deep end and swim?

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