Rahul Vaidya, who has been seen in Big Boss 14, is spending time with his girlfriend these days. The two were recently seen at a friend's wedding. In the meantime, the star couple had a lot of fun together and clicked a lot of pictures. Now many photos of the two are becoming increasingly viral. You can see that these pictures of Rahul Vaidya and Disha Parmar are currently being liked on social media. You can see that in this photograph, Disha Parmar is looking to pose with his boyfriend Rahul Vaidya in a red lehenga.
The best style of both is going to win the heart. During the marriage, the two were seen clicking a number of photos like couple goals. In the meantime, the two together gave a pose like a bride and a groom and clicked the pictures. Both of them are now becoming impatient for the wedding of both the fellows. Now everyone wants Disha to marry Parmar Rahul. In the meantime, Disha has been made to pose a lot of red-colored upskirts.
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