Indian badminton player PV Sindhu got married to the man of her dreams, Venkata Datta Sai on Sunday (December 22). While fans gush at the lavish celebration, we can't help but notice the high-on-style vibe of the newlyweds. She wore a champagne gold saree and exuded bridal beauty truly personal to her special day. She wore her silk saree paired with a matching blouse to create a monochromatic bridal look straight from heaven.
For jewellery, she wore all the quintessential jewels worn by a South Indian bride, the layered necklaces and the hair jewellery. It perfectly adds the perfect amount of glint for the big day. The makeup and hair were kept minimal to make her bridal glow take centre stage and it surely did. The makeup included meanwhile her hairstyle for the day was adorned with flowers to further add a traditional touch. It's refreshing to see PV Sindhu in this brand new avatar, lest we say, our favourite so far.
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