If you are newly married, you may be creating your first holiday card this year. Although you have probably practiced writing your new last name more than you'd like to admit, you might be having trouble figuring out how to pluralize your name for your card. Amy Nelson Hannon of Sincerely Yours Paper was nice enough to post these tips on Facebook this week, so I thought I'd share them here for all of my blog subscribers.
- Never, ever, EVER use an apostrophe. Ever. Apostrophes show possession, not plurality. Step away from the apostrophe.
- For most names, you simply add an "s". The Hannons, The Dodsons, The Kimbels, The Weisers etc.
In a sentence: We are eating dinner with the Walkers tonight. OR Merry Christmas from the Walkers.
- For most names ending in "s", your name is acceptably plural already and would not change. The Blankers, The Winters, The Wages, The Scoggins etc.
In a sentence: We are eating dinner with the Jennings tonight. OR Merry Christmas from the Jennings.
- If your name ends in "x", "z", "ch", "sh", OR an "s" that makes a "z" sound at the end, then add an "es" to the end. The Martinezes, The Ashes, The Rausches, The Adamses, The Joneses etc.
In a sentence: We are eating dinner with the Marches tonight. OR Merry Christmas from the Marches.
- When in doubt, insert your family's last name in this sentence and see how you naturally speak it, then apply the appropriate rule...
We are eating dinner with the _____________ tonight.
Thanks so much to Amy for reminding us all of these proper ways to pluralize our last names! If you are still looking for a holiday card but don't want to put too much work into it, check out the holiday cards in the
Southern Papercraft Etsy Boutique. I customize them for you and send you a digital file so you can print or email them to your friends and family!
Happy Holidays!
Post By: Christine Evans
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