PV Sindhu shared a glimpse into cherished moments of bliss and marital togetherness from her wedding festivities with her now husband, Venkata Datta Sai. The bride looked ethereal in a light green silk saree and matching jewels for the big day. PV Sindhu painted a picture of the perfect South Indian bride wearing a kanjeevaram silk saree in a dual toned emerald and silk hue with floral zari motifs. But what caught our eyes was the two-time Olympian's jewellery of the day that featured emerald and diamond-studded gold ornaments in the temple jewellery fashion.
29-year-old badminton player was dripping in jewels from head-to-toe wearing a two layered necklaces with emerald-embellished malas and diamond-studded pendants. This was teamed with matching chandelier-style earrings and a maang teeka with a floral design. But this wasn't all as PV wore matching kadas and a cocktail ring along with a stack of light emerald bangles on each hand and her wedding ring on her ring finger. She even wore a pearl and emerald-beaded kamarband around her waistline with a central rubies studded into it as the crowning glory. The Olympic star wrapped up her accessory game with a pair of bajubands worn on both her arms that boasted of a gigantic diamond and light emerald stone being its statement jewels.
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