Fans finally got a glimpse of Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan's wedding after the release of the Netflix documentary Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairytale. In a series of photos shared by the streaming platform on Instagram, the "Lady Superstar" looked stunning in her bridal attire. For the big day, she wore a custom vermillion red saree from designer duo Monica and Karishma's brand Jade. The saree featured intricate tone-on-tone embroidery and carvings. To complement her bridal look, Nayanthara wore a fully covered, round-neck blouse with Goddess Lakshmi motifs on the full sleeves, which also served as bajubandh.
For her jewellery, Nayanthara chose a signature Zambian emerald choker from Goenka India, paired with a large Russian tumble necklace. She also wore a satlada, consisting of seven diamond chains with rose-cut emeralds, an emerald and diamond maang tikka and Cabochon emerald polki stud earrings. To complete her look, Nayanthara accessorised with a sleek nath.
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