The 52nd International Film Festival of India kickstart in Goa with Salman Khan, Shraddha Kapoor, Ranveer Singh, Mouni Roy and other Bollywood celebrities performing at the opening ceremony. Setting fans hearts aflutter with her power-packed performance in Goa.
Taking to her social media handle later, Mouni shared a slew of pictures from the green room which instantly made jaws drop as she flaunted her sartorial look. The pictures featured the actor donning a full sleeves crop blouse that came in red satin and sported golden embroidery motifs.
The crop blouse flaunted a killer waistline to die for and had a sweetheart neckline to add to the oomph factor. It was teamed with a ravishing red lehenga that sported golden polka dots all over and ended in a broad golden brocade border for a rich look.
She accessorised her look with a tiny red bindi, a set of red bangles, golden kadey, a pair of jhumkis and a maangtikka. Pulling back her tresses into a high braid adorned with gajra, Mouni amplified the glam quotient with a dab of red lipstick, rosy blushed and highlighted cheeks, kohl-lined eyes with black winged-eyeliner streaks, mascara-laden eyelashes and filled-in eyebrows.
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