Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra's fairytale wedding took place in Jaisalmer's Suryagarh Palace. The wedding celebrations were an intimate affair, attended by family and close friends. The guest list also included Kiara's Kabir Singh co-star Shahid Kapoor and his wife Mira Rajput. In an Instagram post, Mira congratulated the newlyweds for their happily ever after and even shared a bunch of pictures from the ceremony. However, we have a special mention of Mira's wedding wardrobe.
In a time when people are obsessing over lehenga choli and sharara sets, Mira opted for an embroidered suit. The full-sleeves off-white kurta, with a closed neckline, faux buttons and sheer detail around the torso, was teamed perfectly with matching calf-length pants. She carried a multi-coloured shawl decorated with floral patterns and stripes. Mira accessorised the ensemble with ear studs, statement rings, clear strap sandals, and a pearl-adorned potli bag.
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