Director Kabir Khan and his wife Mini Mathur were some of the handful of celebrities who attended Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif’s private wedding in Jaipur. Kabir and Mini returned to Mumbai on December 10 and revealed that they had a gala time at the wedding. Now, in her latest post, Mini has shared some glimpses of her outfit that she wore for Vicky and Katrina’s mehendi ceremony.
Mini took to Instagram to share photos of her exquisite yellow lehenga. The yellow lehenga with block prints was highlighted with moti, cutdana and thread embroidery. It also had an in-built belt paired with a kesari printed blouse and a heavy embroidered dupatta.
“Mehendi Mood. I absolutely love the celebratory and anticipatory energy of a mehendi evening. The smell of flowers mingling with henna at sunset, the sounds of the dhol matching beats with dancing feet. The bride’s exasperation at having to sit it out while hours of intricate designs get printed on her hands. Her beau and friends feeding her bites between cheering others on while the warmth of what’s about to unfold slowly creeps up,” Mini captioned the post.
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