Karisma Kapoor looked like a vision as she attended an awards ceremony in Mumbai on Thursday. She made a stunning sartorial statement in a black saree. The diva posed for a photoshoot before she headed out for the event and posted the pictures on Instagram. “Back to black,” she wrote in the caption.
Karisma Kapoor opted for a sheer black saree from designer Sabyasachi’s coveted collection. The dreamy six-yard drape featured a sequinned border along with intricate tone-on-tone floral embroidered motifs. She wore it with a sleeveless sequinned blouse having a scoop neckline.
She ditched heavy jewellery and went with a statement pair of earrings. The golden and green pair added to the regal charm of the look. For the makeup, Karisma swore by her signature look. She rocked kohl-rimmed eyes, a glowing base and nude lipstick. Keeping the overall look neat and chic, she tied her hair in a sleek bun.
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