Kangana Ranaut's much-awaited movie, Chandramukhi 2, dropped its trailer yesterday. But it's not just the trailer that's grabbing attention; Kangana wowed everyone with her stunning sequined saree look at the trailer launch event. The Bollywood diva wore a breathtaking beige and blue number designed by Suneet Varma. The six yards of elegance shimmered with sequins all over, while the blue embroidered border added a perfect contrast. What made her look even more captivating was her modern blouse, featuring a strapless design, a sweetheart neckline, and delicate frilled sleeves.
To top it all off, Kangana adorned herself with traditional jewellery, including a Kundan and pearl choker, earrings, and a ring. Her makeup was on point, with pink lips, flushed cheeks, and beautifully lined and mascara-coated eyes. Her neatly tied bun, adorned with gajra, added the final touch to her traditional OOTD.
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