Is it Possible to Modify an Engagement Ring

Some ways in which you can modify it and upgrade its appearance without having to break the bank in the process.

Diamond jewelry enthusiasts are split into two groups when it comes to whether or not a diamond engagement ring should be modified. Seeing that both sides have valid points for modifying a diamond ring, there cannot be a right answer to this question.

But, at the end of the day, a diamond ring is going to be a major investment, which means, the decision of modifying it or not is ultimately up to the owner of the ring. The good news is that there are ways in which you can modify an engagement ring and preserve its sentimental value.

Keeping that in mind, the following are some of the ways in which you can modify it and upgrade its appearance without having to break the bank in the process.

Modifying an Engagement Ring

Whether it’s just setting stone on the engagement ring, or adding more stones, there are plenty of options available for those who are looking to upgrade the appearance of their engagement ring. It ranges from upgrading stones, modifying styles of the ring, mutually changing it with the time, confirming that your personality and relationship have moved to the next level and making other amendments, important to emphasize the stage of your relationship through the ring.   

The best part about owning a ring and wanting to upgrade it is that you can also include other precious stones to mix, decorate the shoulders or engrave the band itself. When it comes to modifying the look of your engagement ring, you are only going to be limited by your imagination, and of course the current setting and style of your ring.

You can make the decision to modify your engagement at any time, but you will want to ask the permission of your partner first. It is your mutual decision and mutual property, because this ring symbolizes your feelings, love and commitment. It is a significant step, showing that something major happened and you are not the same as well as your relationship, commitment and love. Possible it became more mature, grounded, survived through years and difficulties, proved it’s right to exist.

Major modification can happen with a time when your relationship reached new level or in case of natural necessity, if it is lesser than her engagement finger or have other issues, which prevent wearing it.

You can modify it in the way, how common sense and initial feelings allow you: you can substitute one stone with another, add more diamond stones, which are less in size, expand or lessen the band and make it more massive or thin as it suits you.

Budgeting the Modification

Since the diamond that’s on the ring is always going to be the most expensive part of the engagement ring, it’s safe to say that you are not going to be stretching out your budget too much by modifying the ring, since most of the cost will be on either engraving the band or adding a few more stones to elevate the appearance of the center stone (which is the one that cost you the most).

Upgrade the Middle Stone

Now that you’ve got your budget in order, you can either upgrade the center stone on the ring. For instance, if you had initially got a smaller diamond stud set on the ring, but are having second thoughts, you can upgrade the ring by adding a larger stone. It should be on your discretion which stone to choose and whether it will comply with the initial Engagement ring style.  

This can be realized with a time, when you will be ready to change it as far as your character and personality would change with the time as well. There are many ways in which you can upgrade an existing stone on the Engagement Ring. The best way to go about doing that is by asking around or going online to find out different options. You will be surprised by the number of options of cuts and sizes that you will find online to upgrade your engagement ring.

Quite a lot depends whether you have bought ready-made ring or design it by yourself and how significant upgrade will be. In this case, price and work duration will differ, it should be taken into account and well-remembered.

That being said, when choosing a larger size diamond stud you will want to shop around first to get the best prices. This is where having knowledge of the 4 C’s of diamonds will come in handy manner. In this matter the help of online, usual shop assistants will be important, because for the person, not professional and deeply aware in the jewelry area it will be important to find a balance between final engagement ring and price. That said, you do not need to always get a larger and more expensive diamond ring to upgrade it. 

You can choose another shape of the diamonds, few of little diamonds, another style of an engagement ring, which will make a difference.  


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