Honeymoon Surprise- 5 Overlooked Conversations You Should Have With Your Fiancé

You found your other half, popped the question, and got a yes, which is great, but there may be a few things you are overlooking. It is easy to overlook some vital conversations in the midst of such excitement and happiness. Do not fret, the following are five overlooked conversations you should have. 

The next thing that you are going to want to talk about are your finances. You should discuss things like a joint checking account and the kind of investments you are considering. Debt is something you shouldn't be ashamed of to talk to your future spouse about. It's not about springing a surprise, but getting on the same page and managing expectations. It may be a good idea to talk about financial hiccups, such as loans, credit and spending habits either of you may be dealing with. Who will be working? What salaries are you comfortable with? You don't want to have these come up when they become an issue.

The subject of children is going to come up at some point in your soon-to-be married life if it hasn't come up already. It is important that you address this subject to great extent before you actually get married to be on the same page. Do you both want them? If so, will they be born naturally? Are you OK with adoption? Talk about fertility treatments you are both okay with if you have issues getting pregnant. How many? Parenting styles? It will become an issue if one parent wants non-violent parenting and the other spanks their kid daily. These are important conversations where nobody is right or wrong, but you should both be honestly in the same page and nobody should feel forced into a situation.

Future Pets 
You wouldn't imagine the idea of owning a pet or not owning a pet could be controversial, but it can be. You need to make sure you are both on the same page about pet ownership and the kind of pet that would be acceptable if any. Make sure you are considerate about fears or allergies. You also don't want to feel guilt or force someone into agreeing to get a pet and have them be doing most of the work. Resentment can grow out of issues that start small. Communication is key. You'll be surprised, someone's pet may be more important to them than you are.

Your Home 
One thing you definitely have to address is where you plan on living as a married couple. What are your short, medium, long-term plans? You are going to have to talk about whether or not you want to rent or buy your place. Work on a pros and cons list for your ideas. You may have someone who will happily want to live in a shoe-box apartment from last century in a big city while someone else is just tolerating it thinking they'll move to a suburb and buy a home. Talk about things if you are going to be living with your parents, renting an apt, condo, buying a fixer upper or asking custom home builders to make you a new home. None of these are wrong answers, but they should not come as a surprise to anyone. 

Chores don't seem like something that needs to be addressed, but you would be surprised how many couples can get into heated arguments over chores given enough time. You are going to have to address who is going to be responsible for what before you start living together. You do not want anyone in the relationship to feel as if he or she is doing too much while the other is not doing enough. 

These conversations may seem trivial, but they are pretty important. Living with another requires major adjustments, but conversations about some of these points should help move things along.

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