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You only need to glance at a wedding forum to hear horror stories about marriage celebrants.
"He turned up 50 mins late..." and "She forgot our names half way through the ceremony" or even just a simple "They didn't do what we asked them to!"
If you have read my page of
getting married you'll know that the legal inclusions on a marriage ceremony are actually straight forward and simple.
So why is it that some celebrants insist on performing the ceremony a certain way?
One reason might be that the Celebrant has become accusomed to doing wedding in a particular way. As human nature is to become a victim to "habit" it is often the case that celebrants just fall into the same routine.
They might have a niche. Like all businesses Celebrants might be targeting a particular type of client. Some celebrants specialise in Scottish weddings, some in wedding renewals, some Celebrants just limit the amount of clients they take on at a time.
Celebrants should insist upon a face to face meeting with you, before taking your booking deposit or agreeing to perform your wedding. Sitting down over a cup of coffee and actually finding out whether or not you like the person who could be marrying you is the most important part in picking your celebrant.
It could just be a vibe they give off, the clothes they wear, or the way the speak but if you just don't feel right about your celebrant this is something you need to address.. and fast.
Not liking your celebrant is one thing, but what if they make some serious mistakes when it comes to your wedding.
This is a BIG DEAL. It's not like trying on a skirt in the shop, then taking it home , realising that you don't like the way it clings to your hips and then throwing it out rather than go back and get a refund. This is the person who is going to marry you!
Marriage Celebrants are registered and goverened by the Attorney General's office and if they are not organised, professional and helpful you have the right to complain. It might not save you the heartache but you will get good karma from helping out other couples.
Obviously, you should try and sort out any problems with a celebrant with them first - but if it goes too far, or you are unable to resolve any issues you first port of call is
If you really are having a hard time with your celebrant, and you can find another celebrant that you are happy with (and is available) you can transfer all your paperwork and change celebrants but be aware a celebrant is not required to refund deposits. Chances are they missed another wedding because they were booked in to perform yours.
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