Hansika Motwani made our Instagram feeds brighter with an eye-catching saree look. The actress who always has had the internet goers going gaga over her style choices and beauty game, has done it yet again by delivering a winning ethnic look with a twist of retro inspired sartorial element. The Shaka Laka Boom Boom actress was seen putting her most fashionable foot forward on her social media handle, that too in retro style.
Hansika Motwani gave internet goers a sartorial moment to stop and admire when she served a saree-draped look in a lime and polka dot printed saree. For her accessories, Hansika picked a pair of tan coloured bow heels, a layered white pearl necklace with pearl drop earrings and a matching bracelet adorning her wrist.
As for her hair and makeup, Hansika styled her streaked tresses in a half-tied look secured with a white bow clip along with two fringes falling across her temple and framing her face. For her makeup picks, Hansika went for a fresh makeup look featuring defined brows, clear skin, eyeliner defined eyes, a hint of blush on the high points of her cheeks, and a peachy nude lip colour to add the finishing touches to the look.
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