Everyday Things That Are Causing Damage to Your Wedding Ring

You waited for so long for that lovely band that is on your ring finger and showcases your commitment to your partner. At the time you didn't really think about how to care for it, you just wanted it. Now, you need to think about how to keep it looking good long-term. Here are some of the most common dangers to your wedding ring that you should avoid in the future.

Chemical Compounds

You may not think of your fabric softener, bleach, or detergent as being a chemical. The truth is that they are all made up of chemicals. The ammonia and chlorine present in these products can discolor silver, gold, and gemstones with repeat exposure. To help avoid any discoloration of your wedding ring, it's best to either wear gloves or take your jewelry off when doing your household cleaning chores.


Gemstones like diamonds tend to attract oils to their porous surfaces. These oils stick onto the surface and dull the shine of the gem. These oils are present in a variety of cosmetic products including lotions, hairspray, and perfumes. To avoid having to get jewellery repairs, you should always wait to put your jewelry on last once you've got everything else ready. The age-old saying 'last on, first off' is something that you should be practicing.

Extreme Temperature Changes

Both gemstones and metals are susceptible to damage with repeat exposure to extreme temperature changes. Actions like reaching into the hot oven to remove dinner or sunbathing with your wedding ring on can cause the metal to tarnish and the gemstones will have a distorted color. It's best to avoid any severe temperature changes when it comes to having your wedding ring on.

Scratching And Smacking

It takes a while to get used to wearing a ring on your finger and once you do, you'll likely find that you smack it off other items from time to time. These consistent scratches against things like the door handle in your car can leave small imperfections in your gemstone over time. Even smacking your ring off of a dumbbell at the gym, can cause the stone to unseat from the ring.

Getting married is a dream come true for many. However, protecting your wedding ring isn't as easy as you may have thought. Be sure to steer clear of the above four items so that you don't find yourself without your trusty ring.

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