Easy and Simple Tips On How To Write an Amazing Wedding Speech!

To write a wedding speech can be a nerve wrecking experience for anyone. When you start to prepare your best man or maid of honor speech, it is a good idea to start asking family and friends about some funny incidents that happened in the bridal couple's live. Try to put your own personal touch to your speech and speak honestly from the heart. It is advisable to give all wedding jokes and quotations a little bit of extra flavor and put a personal tweak and twist to them to fit the occasion.

Tips on How To Write a Wedding Speech
  • Properly introduce yourself to the wedding guests
  • Mention your relationship to the couple and how you met
  • Open your speech with a punchy, funny wedding joke or one-liner
  • Thank the hosts and others who helped to plan and organize the wedding
  • Relate some of the funny incidents that took place in the couple's life
  • Give some well meant advice on marriage
  • Avoid any unpleasant stories like previous relationships
  • Keep your jokes clean and in good taste to enhance your speech
  • Close with a happy and heartfelt toast to the couple

How To Propose A Wedding Toast

Before you propose a toast, make sure all glasses are filled. When you're about to propose a toast, tap gently on the side of your glass with a fork to draw the attention of the wedding guests. The traditional wedding toast will be something like:

"Ladies and Gentleman

Please be so kind and to join me in a toast to the couple. Here's to Mr ... and Mrs ... Cheers. May you have a long and happy life!"

"Cheers" translated in one of the following languages:

  • Arabic - Shereve
  • Brasil - Tim-tim
  • Dutch - Prost
  • French - Santé
  • German - Prost
  • Greece - Jámas
  • Hebrew - Mazel tov
  • India - Mubarik
  • Italy - Salute
  • Japan - Kanpa
  • Portugal - Saúde
  • Russia - Vashe zdorovie
  • Spain - Salud

How Long Should My Wedding Speech Be?

Keep your wedding speech short, sweet and to the point. Please, no long and boring speeches. Normally wedding speeches is about 5 - 7 minutes long. You want the guests to enjoy your speech!

How do you address the couple when you write a wedding speech?

When you speak about the bride or groom, it is only courteous to make eye contact with them. Mention the bride in your best man speech and the maid of honor should mention the groom in her speech. The father of the bride could welcome his new son in law into the family in the father of the bride speech.

Keeping these tips in mind when you write you speeches andshould help you to prepare and deliver an amazing speech. You'll be able to construct a wedding speech in a few minutes without any hassles. Visit http://www.weddingspeechesandtoasts for more great wedding speech examples, wedding jokes and meaningful quotations.

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