taken from www.wedbykez.com

Let's face it. Guys don't understand underwear or how important it can be in creating the perfect outfit and avoiding VPL (Visible Panty Lines). So when it comes to your wedding - when you tell your fiance how much you spent on underwear he might choke, cough and mutter but a sensible girl knows it money well spent.

these guys are huge fans of the bra...

So let's talk bras (and no fellas I am not putting pics up - you can google THAT on your own).


For backless dresses obviously. The "suction cup" type don't offer support for those more endowed than others and the ones without straps can slip. The backless variety that actually has straps just looks awkward to me...if you have tried these please let me know

Low Back Bra

For dress that have a low back.. (It ain't rocket science, it Bra science - hence the names) A lot of convertible bra types have this option and they still have the support and straps for those who need it.

Halter Bra

For dresses that come up and around the neck where straps would show. You should be careful as the length of the halter you allow. Too long and you have no support, too short and you will feel like a horse with a reign on all night! (Not to mention the sore neck!)

U Bra or V Bra

Based on the shape of the bra at the front (between the cleavage) This is for those cheeky dresses that show enough skin to be sexy but where you still need a little support. These bras can feel a little strange as the support sits a little lower than just under the chest.

Tips and Tricks

The best idea with any type of underwear purchase is to wait til you have your dress. Keep the tags on in case you get some cheeky lace showing and need to return it and go back to your young days when you were in "training" Give yourself a couple of days in your new purchase and even a couple of washes to soften the materials and get comfortable. The last thing you want on facebook is a photo of the beautiful bride given herself and adjustment due to an uncomfy bra.

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