How many times have you thought about THAT question? How many times have you read something in a blog or on a website that says, "Wedding planners save you stress, save you time, save you money...blah, blah?" I'm sure your answer is something like, "All the time!!" I always hesitate to write about this topic or tweet/Facebook about it because every wedding planner has said something about this already. BUT...let's face it! Weddings are complex, stressful events accompanied by a roller coaster of emotions.

Planning a wedding takes a lot of man hours woman hours and it has the potential to take over your life. Planning a wedding has the potential to become not-so-fun and you may find yourself wishing it will all be over soon. "C'mon June!!" Right?  No matter how crafty you are, tying ribbons on DIY invitations will quickly lose it's appeal especially if you're tying them on favors too. And no matter how many decisions you have to make, there will always be the insanely tough ones. You WILL need help along the way. Wedding planners KNOW this! We aren't miracle workers but we have planned plenty of weddings. And you haven't. Therefore, we can do the things that you don't know how to do and the things you can't do. We save you those woman hours. We help you with those insanely tough decisions. We keep wedding planning from running your life and your wallet. If you are hesitant on hiring a wedding planner because you are thinking that it's just another vendor you'll have to pay, consider the cost of your sanity.

Here are some signs that you might need hired help:

*You have a full-time and hectic job
*You're getting married in less than 8 months
*Your future mother-in-law and/or mother is itching to take over the wedding planning
*You don't like asking for help
*You'd like to avoid gaining weight, breaking out, and/or chewing your nails to nubs before the wedding day
*You have no idea where to begin
*You don't consider yourself a creative person
*You don't consider yourself a detail-oriented person
*You have trouble making decisions
*You and your fiance both have strong and differing opinions on how the wedding should go and you want to actually still be together by the time the big day arrives.
(adapted from "Planning Your Wedding Sucks" Joanne Kimes & Elena Donovan Mauer)

Remember it's not how you get married but that you make it to the altar with minimum stress and maximum enjoyment!

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